oh yeah,
forgot to tell u guys that last week i went for an interview at Les' Copaque Production for the customer service n admin assistnt position...
and i waited for about 1 week to get the interview result...and today..around 11 o'clock..suddenly...
"oooo..i wont hesitate no more,no more.."---this is one is my ringtone laa.....hehe
"hello..assalamualaikum, boleh saya ckp ngn nurulhuda"-->the owner of kak ros's voice(last year series)
"walakumsalam..yer..saya bercakap"
"ok..regarding on the interview result, actually, kami nak amik awak..but then...."
".... we need to confirm with u first whether u agree with the salary that we offer or not.."
"yup..i dont mind with the salary.."
to tell you guys the truth, the salary range that they offered,not really suitable for a degree holder.. much more lower that those who work for PETRONAS,PNB,Bank Negara, or other diff Banks..(yelaa..Les'Copaque pon still "baby" lg in the animation field..but the talent,..fuhh..dasat.._)
but, i dont mind at all..becoz, YES, im a degree holder, but i have NO experience, and furthermore, the position that i applied do not need a DEGREE qualification as well..
so, i think i still dont have the rights to be soo demanding..and, its hard to find a job tho...and what makes me REALLY DONT MIND...
becoz, first...becoz of the company itself..owh.. i just LOVE Les' Copaque's animation work..like soo in love with the Upin N IPin character..2nd, becoz...i LOVE art..only those who knew me know bout it..and 3rd is bcoz...
"ini sumer rezki dr tuhan..die tidak memberikan aku gaji yang besar dan kerja yang agak bagus semuanya bersebab..mungkin aku perlu belajar dari bawah untuk berjaya naik ke atas...atau mungkin DIA menempatkan aku di situ untuk mencari pengalaman untuk Dia menempatkan aku di tempat lain yang jauh lebih bagus dr itu.." (ayat aku muhasabah diri sendiri...)hehe
yer...aku redha dgn rezeki yang tuhan beri...
hmm..so, next week..maybe they'll call me to sign the agreement..
and i will start working on 1st nov..so guys..
please do pray for me so that..ill be more hardworking, responsible, and maybe ..
owh..so damn nervous laaa..hopefully the working environment is OK, the people around pon OK, the job also OK..
ONLY then, I'LL BE OKAY...
ok laa.. bye2
Nuffnang Ads
23 October 2008
18 October 2008
jiwa kacau..
ya...jiwa aku kacau sekarang...
jiwa aku kosong...hati aku sakit...tuhan saje yg tahu ape perasaan aku kali nih..
hendak aku mengadu..tapi pada siapa?..
ingin saje aku memberontak..pergi jauh meninggalkan semua nye..
ya..aku boleh lari..tapi sampai bila??
aku harus berdepan dgn semuanya..aku harus bersedia..
bersedia dgn kehilangan harta yang paling aku sayang..
harta yang membuatkan aku terus hidup selama 23 tahun ini..
entah la..susah nak di gambarkan dgn kata2..
kerana kecewa dlm hati aku ini tak siapa pon tahu..
sudah puas aku menangis..sudah puas aku meratap nasib hidup aku ini..
semakin hari aku rasakan aku semakin lemah..
kerana jiwa aku kosong..tiada lagi secebis rasa gembira..
tiada lagi secebis rasa bahagia..
hanya yang ada..hampa..kecewa..pasrah dgn segalanya..
andai ini dugaan dari Mu untukku & mereka yg tidak berdosa,
aku menyerah...kerana tidak sanggup lagi aku menghadapi semua ini......
jiwa aku kosong...hati aku sakit...tuhan saje yg tahu ape perasaan aku kali nih..
hendak aku mengadu..tapi pada siapa?..
ingin saje aku memberontak..pergi jauh meninggalkan semua nye..
ya..aku boleh lari..tapi sampai bila??
aku harus berdepan dgn semuanya..aku harus bersedia..
bersedia dgn kehilangan harta yang paling aku sayang..
harta yang membuatkan aku terus hidup selama 23 tahun ini..
entah la..susah nak di gambarkan dgn kata2..
kerana kecewa dlm hati aku ini tak siapa pon tahu..
sudah puas aku menangis..sudah puas aku meratap nasib hidup aku ini..
semakin hari aku rasakan aku semakin lemah..
kerana jiwa aku kosong..tiada lagi secebis rasa gembira..
tiada lagi secebis rasa bahagia..
hanya yang ada..hampa..kecewa..pasrah dgn segalanya..
andai ini dugaan dari Mu untukku & mereka yg tidak berdosa,
aku menyerah...kerana tidak sanggup lagi aku menghadapi semua ini......
14 October 2008
sorry for not updating for quite a while..been busy with work and life..
on jumaat a week before raya..me, apan n alut went to klia to give our last gudbye to ayna makkang..hehe..
these are the pictures..ade nadd + balak,buna + balak,ichik +balak, pear+her cousin, the very single & available me and apan , also single but not available alut..heheh
the happy us..
this is the MOST VALUEBLE PIc i think...tgk ayna..AYNA CIUM KETIAK UDE!!!!haha.. i bet, ayna been missing me to da max since this pic was taken..=)
sorry for not updating for quite a while..been busy with work and life..
on jumaat a week before raya..me, apan n alut went to klia to give our last gudbye to ayna makkang..hehe..
these are the pictures..ade nadd + balak,buna + balak,ichik +balak, pear+her cousin, the very single & available me and apan , also single but not available alut..heheh

..ok..these are raya pics.. first of all, let me introduce u guys to the so called "comforter"..hahah..
huhuhu..comfort food..or food for comfort..or comfort for food...heheh.. we've got..rendang daging here..sambal udang, rendang kerang..rendang itik, kuah kacang, serunding kelapa and asam pedas itik..
itik? yup..this is annual menu for raya!..never miss..tell you wat?itik is just as sedap as ayam! try la! ok..close up sket..
this is the rendang itik.."duck"..hehe..and after the "cooking session ended", time for cleaning session...
kitchen environment...heh!
07 October 2008
to any parents or future parents who read this blog,
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter of how they behave..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for being wild..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for taking drugs..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for coming back home late everyday..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for not performing well in exams..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for not being there for you...
ONLY 1 reason....
becoz its ALL YOUR FAULT!!
-you are the reason why your own child behave like a F***
-you are the reason why your own son/daughter hated being at home..
-you are the reason why your own son/daughter showing their protess by taking drugs..
why is that soo..?
- maybe they knew something that they should not..
-maybe they saw something that they should not..
-maybe they heard something that they should not..
-maybe they found something that they should not..
-maybe the way they been treated by YOU..
-maybe they have secrets/ problems that hard for them to tell you..
HOME is where the FAMILY lives in..where LOVE should be GROWING each day...
but i JUST feel like..
HOME is NOTHING for me..it's just as empty as a box!
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter of how they behave..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for being wild..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for taking drugs..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for coming back home late everyday..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for not performing well in exams..
-you ever BLAME your son/daughter for not being there for you...
ONLY 1 reason....
becoz its ALL YOUR FAULT!!
-you are the reason why your own child behave like a F***
-you are the reason why your own son/daughter hated being at home..
-you are the reason why your own son/daughter showing their protess by taking drugs..
why is that soo..?
- maybe they knew something that they should not..
-maybe they saw something that they should not..
-maybe they heard something that they should not..
-maybe they found something that they should not..
-maybe the way they been treated by YOU..
-maybe they have secrets/ problems that hard for them to tell you..
HOME is where the FAMILY lives in..where LOVE should be GROWING each day...
but i JUST feel like..
HOME is NOTHING for me..it's just as empty as a box!
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