4 Years....
4 tahun tuh bukan sekejap..tp lama..kalo laa budak kecit, dah belajar naik basikal dah kot..and maybe dah masuk kindergarten!!
haa..camtuh lama laa aku x jumpe minah nih...
happy giler dpt jumpe kak cibom..haa..ni laa kak cibom saye! her real name is Seri Wahidah Yusoff..but she asked me to call her CIBOM! sometimes pangil die "tellitubbies"..sebab suare kecit die..hehe

she was my roommate mase kat uitm melaka dlu..
RooMmate + kakak + Emak (sumetimes) + pembuli & terbuli + friend + pape lg laa..
yup memang rapat giler!naik moto same..rempit sama..share masalah sama..tdo sama..ketawa & kene marah ngn R.A pon sama jugak!hehe
kadang die pngl aku DEBAB ler..MANGKOK ler..but really LOVE when she called me ADEK! and till now, die still pngl aku ADEK..heheh..(perasaan org x de kakak tuh~)
die org kedah..JITRA..and mase borak ngn die td..baru tau die kenal bos aku!haha..(keciknyer dunie!!)
sempat gak buat ketupat pasal ex-roomate lg sorang nih!hahah..biase ler..POMPUAN!hehe
aufa najwa, and aufa najihah..yg tdo kat pangku die tuh aufa najihah..her 2nd daughter..yang along nyer yg nih ...

haA...ni along..suke senyum..even xde gigi..sejibik sekentut muke kak cibom OK! gamba curik mase makan td..ber "gigi biru" jap..hehe
to my dear kakak,
life is just like a puzzle..and u are a piece of it in mine..eventhough it sounds like.."a piece..?"..but you just completes me throghout the journey of my life! and thats a BIG DEAL you know!!glad our path crossed...i wish that u will always be surrounded by love + happines..coz u deserve all the happiness in the WORLD!