21 jun...
1st of all, thanx to those yg still can remember this date.. my lovely kakak :kak cibom, my bestest fren, Ida, my sweet lil sis intan ..and of cos, my fmly!..dira, hanim, emi n mamau yg wish gak..thanx!
and..to mr jauhari and his bro, mr budi..hehe..
to those yg x wish, hehe..its ok..i know u guys probably makan semut byk sgt!haha
what i wish for this year's bufday..
1- i wish ill be employed by a company..hehe (hopefully!)
2- i REALLY wish ida is here, celebrating this wonderful day with me..
3- i wish for a bufday cake also..mmm..( dad wont buy it for me..coz dah blanje pizza n tgk movie)
4- i wish that this"someone" will msg me and say.."happy birthday"!
5- and how i wish i could turn back time..ermm..maybe year 2000..
erm..but i realize that W.I.S.H is just a word..and anybody can even say it..even though not on his/ her birthday..hmmmm..
so guys, doa kan laa smoga aku panjgn umur n sempat nak membalas segala jasa2 ibu n ayah..kan? yeah..this one is the perfect one!
..to ibu n ayah, thanks soo much for everything that u guys had done for me during this superb 23 years..u guys gave me a perfect and a wonderful life...
chalomere bette~