heheh..FINALLY..after menahan diri dengan sabar nyer untuk TIDAK menonton GENG sebelom it is officially OUT for PUBLIC, BERJAYA!! 2 FREE screening tuh~hebat~hahah..
its not that i DONT wanna watch it ..but..the satisfaction level for paying rm 10 for the VERY GREAT GREAT movie is totally different!! satisfaction level untuk bende yang kite dpt FREE is lain compared to something that we need to pay..kan?
and aku nyer satisfaction level is 110/100..SERIUS~
haa..maybe korang leh ckp.."ala..movie company tempat ko keje mesti laa nak puji.."
NO..just anggap aku cm someone who likes to go to cinemas, watching movies and enjoying a box errr..small box of popcorn..ok?..yup!memang tuh aku pon..tgk movie sorang pon x kesah maa...
for me, GENG is a MUST SEE MOVIE for 2009..
- aku suke movie yang tunjukkan value of friendship..for aku, real friendship sgt susah nak dpt coz it has to come with TRUST..ok..dlam GENG, the friendship between the SUPERDUPER cute Opet ngn Rajoo,Upin, Ipin ngn yg lelain sgt laa mcm suci giler la..eventhough drg baru je kenal Opet, and Opet pon baru kenal drg gak, tp, drg trust each other and saling tolong menolong untuk selamat kan diri mase time2 suspen sumer tuh..and believe me, you WILL FALL IN LOVE wlith OPET lepas tgk citer nih..errr..i mean the character laa..NOT the real one maaa....

- citer ni melambangkan community kat Malaysia and life kat kampung..bile tgk upin ipin ade senapang kayu, terus cm teringat mase aku kecit dlu..i used to have 1 la..abang buat kan..tembak pakai buah ceri..heheh..and skang nih, biler tgk je jiran aku kat blakang umah nih, mesti teringat Muthu..heheh..
-suke lawak2 dlam filem GENG nih sebab tiada istilah "lawak bodoh" kat sini..kire sumer lawak die buat aku ketawa giler + gaban even senyum sengsorang biler teringat..hahahah..betul wei~

- suke giler sound effect and sumer bende laa dlm filem nih..sebab biler lawak, lawak giler, biler seram, buat jantung aku cm..DUP DAP DUP DAP...biler sedey, sedey giler ok...yup!air mata aku dah kejap ketengah..ketepi..tunggu nak gugur..tapi, ade selitkan lawak..so, aku bantai gelak blk..but the sad scene mmg really touching laa guys!
ok.. skang ni tukar lak pada mereka2 yang bertanggungjawab menghasilkan filem animasi PERTAMA malaysia nih..

yup..ini lah antara tunggak utama Les' Copaque..with uncle's n auntie's faith n trust pada 3 director nih wujud laa Les' Copaque..dan sama juga..faith ngn trust 3 directors ni, Les' Copaque sekarang dah ada 63 staff yang terdiri dari graduan tempatan..
tapi, mase nak hasilkan GENG, mase tuh Les Copaque hanya ade 40 manpower je..and yet they still can produce a good movie..HEBAT kan?
eventhough im not one of those yg terlibat dgn GENG nye production dlu, tapi...serius..im proud of u guys! and i bet, sumer org dalam MALAYSIA pon!!
so, untuk anyone yang visit BLOG aku nih, especially to all my dear fightersz 9802, JANGAN LUPE TENGOK GENG!! and i will definately tgk lagik skali..!
oo ni anaknya kak ani ek..
eheheh mak ko tau ke ko letak pic dia kat blog ni??
eheheh makcik tu camera shy...eheheh
anyway congrats to all teams, it is a very-very great animation movie occay..two thumbs up...
dah nengok seisi keluarga dah..besttt
caya la !! hehe nice review
^______^mmg tak sama bayar tengok dengan kasi ticket free.
too bad...alot of ppl out there never know wat is the true feeling of buying the satisfaction.
nice 1 nurul~ wooohooo!!
nnt saya kiss nurul tanda kerajinan menulis blog u XD huhuhuhuh
waaaaah bagus2. silalah jatuh cinta sama Oopet the character, terima kasih. Pashi! Pashi! :D
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