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24 August 2007

eVeRYtHiNg hAPpEnS fOr a rEAsON

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sometimes people come into ur life and u know that they are meant to be there.r lifeTo serve some sort of purpose, to teach you a lesson or help to figure out who you are and who you wanna become. Korang xkan tau sape diorang ni but you know that they will affect your life in some profound way.

sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful and unfair..but in reflection after going through it you realize that without overcoming those obstacles, you would never realize ur potential, strength or power. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or even luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test limits of your soul..

Without these small tests, life mesti bosan kan? sebab everything smooth jer and pf cos laa comfortable kan?tp, dull laaa..successes and downfalls that u experience can create who you are and the bad experience can be learned from. if someones hurts u or break your heart or even betray u, forgive them because they have helped u learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom u open your heart.

if someone loves u, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love u but also because they are teaching u to love and open your heart and eyes to little things. Appreciate everything that u possibly can for u never experience it again..

aku pernah in situation where aku rase dunie ni sgt unfair for aku..rase marah, rase bodoh..rase segala macam laaa..biler pikir2 balik, mmg semua bende jadik nih ade reason yg kite sendiri xtau..maybe kite semua dah kene start pikir positive instead of pikir yang negative jer untuk semua bende2 yang jd dlm life kite..

so guys..."live" ur life!

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15 August 2007

xde idea nak post ape laaa..tgh serabut now nih..byk keje! nak tunjuk gamba2 mase
aku blk melaka arituh..hehe

so, ni pic mase n ida g Dusun d paradise for our sport and recreation project..
actually tiket die rm49.00 but then aku n ida dapat free..heh

hari ahad lak aku g taman buaya ngn hamlau2 nih semua..heh..for fightersz 9802, ingat x trip g melaka mase 2000 after pmr? orng tuh panggil kite puteri..heh..n aku still ingat aku, sheila n emi tolak2 mase nak masuk umah hantu nih..sampai stuck kat tgh2 sebab suspend sgt..sampai org tuh dtg bawak torchlight..huhuh..and it happened again mase aku g ngn drg tuh dtg bwk torchlight!teruknyer aku!!!

after kitrg g taman buaya, aku bwk drg g muzium belia..tmpat aku pract mase dip dlu..heh..pastu kitrg g makan cendol!!

**poyo2 sekalian alam..yg belakang tuh cam datok K lak!heh

** cendol and rojak bandar hilir..hehe

actually ade byk sgt malas nak letak laaa..hehe..ok laa..besok ade test maaa..have 2 read laa..(malas pon sebnarnye)..

chiow cendolicious~

09 August 2007


hello guys..hehe..aku tgh malas nak transfer pic g melaka arituh..later laa k?mmm..memandangkan xde mende pon nak cerite, meh aku nak share rahsia2 yang aku tau pasal rambut and kite..heh..

Rambut Lurus ( yang original ek..bukan lepas pakai syampoo or straigten =)..

1. seorang yang bijak

2. yang happy, bergaya and cemburu

3. pandai managekan something tanpa pertolongan orang..

Rambut kerinting tebal **apan take note!heh

1. Kurang bijak ---> kalo banding ni ngan pan, x kot..

2. degil

3. kuat cemburu

4. romantik

5. banyak pergaulan dan susah nak selesaikan masalah sendiri

6. tidak suka termenung

Rambut Kerenting Negro

1. bijak

2. ego

3. cemburu buta

4. fussy, choosy and senang mengamuk bila susah nak solvekan problem

Rambut ikal Mayang ** aku!!

1. bijak

2. berfikir seblom buat something

3. open minded

4. senang nak maafkan orang dengan kesilapan lama..--> mmg betol pon..heh

Rambut Halus / Lembut
1. pandai gell

2. pemaaf gell

3. manja gell

4. tegas gell

5. cepat buat keje n bersungguh2

Rambut Sikit
1. Bijak
2. negative thinker
3. ego
4. pandai buat bisnes..(bukan bisnes badan ekk)hehe

Rambut Perang ( yang ori bukan karat yg dtg from cine kedai rambut ok..)

1. kurang bijak
2. open minded

3. pemaaf

4. social

5. pandai lari dr masalah..( mesti slalu budak2 athlete nih)

Rambut Tebal

1. bijak

2. degil

3. kasar

4. banyak kawan

5. pandai amek hati orang

Rambut Kusut ( jgn korang tetibe malas nak sikat lak lepas baca personality ornfg cmnih!)
1. sngat bijak
2. susah nak maafkan orang

Rambut Beruban ( bukkan sebab dah mmg ade genetik yg cmnih)
1. kurang bijak
2. suke termenung
3. social cket

Tak de Rambut ( botak)

hehe..kesian aku suke kalo botak cm mawi tuh!hehe

Rambut Yang warna kemerah-merahan and hijau2 cket

itu RAMBUTAN la mangkok!hehe

** apan tq sgt bg rambutan tuh kat aku..dah abes dah aku makan!!hehe

02 August 2007


hehe..aku tgh update posting using 1 of the computer kat class, just a short posting for u guys..fuhh..lega giler abes satu azab...baru lepas abes buat presentation for my Professional Development subject..aku buat pasal stress, mase nak present, aku yg stress ade, 1 azab dah week ade lg kene going back to Malacca this week..i mean..tomorrow..nak kene g jenjalan n buat kan? tu laa assignment aku!xyah pening2 nak perah otak cam budak medic semua..g je jenjalan..then anta report..dapat dah 5- 10% acessment and ida plan nak g Dusun D Paradise..nak tgk kat sana ade ape2 yg, biler tgk entrance fee die, mahal gell~rm49.00!but luckily, me and ida nampak 1 advertisement ni..kene buat quiz n dapat free ticket..(leh save 49.00 =p)!! so, kitrg pon try laa..and guess wat?kitrg menang tiket tuh!!heheh..then plan nk g muzium2 semua laa..eventhough dah lebih 100 kali aku pg memandangkan mase diploma dulu aku practikal kat muzium, mmg tmpat memain aku je laa muzium tuh!cehh...heheh..ok laa..nak kemas brg nak blk melaka besok...MELAKA HRE I COME!!

**pics nnt aku letak!