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17 August 2008

Melaka Traditional WeddinG..heh

i know..maybe some of u wud say..whats the difference kan?..erm..i dont know how other state's traditional wedd, but we do have our own traditions rite?..ok..last week i went back to Melaka for my cousin's wedd..i was a bit late,but luckily i didnt miss the akad nikah ceremony..just love to hear the word " aku terime nikahnya........"..its just like a vow from a man to GOD and to the bride's family that he will always love you, care for u and a promise to be a good husband..serious!

ok..this one was after the akad nikah ceremony..see those thing the the bride is wearing? we call it as "SANGGUL LINTANG"yeah..its our tradition to wear that thing with the costume during the nikah night..but then, this sanggul lintang is not the REAL one..the real one is much more wat ibu said, "berat giler sanggul lintang ibu dulu"heheh..ok..n pengantin akan berarak dgn iringan kompang..and we do have fireworks!..meriah kan?~

so the next day was celebration day at the bride's house...huh..the bride had to change for about 3 to 4 costume while waiting for the groom..and this one also is a MUST! (tuh laa malas nak kawen, leceh!)

1- ermm..baju ape ntah..kebaya ker kurung moden..
2- gaun kot
3- saree

1- the groom n the bride..
2- this one is the 4th costume (for pengantin pompuan)
3- sweetnyer...
4- silat performance
5- the so called "TOL"
6- dah bersanding!

ok..this one was on the evening lak~
the 5th costume!

so, total costume that the bride needs to wear are: 7..(including the baju kurung nikah + costume sanggul lintang"!!banyak nyer.. i bet, i will be wearing more than 7 costumes on my wedd day! coz im the only daughter la!!! gamba giler2 lak..hehe

1- eifa" kuchi2 hota hai"..ude: "kuchi2 hotak hang"...
2- senyum....
3- ida n along..
4- ude n eifa

ude n ida..qiera,eifa n ida..
below: "joget lambak" time!!!..n eifa karoke lagu INUL!!!
serious, when we gather, all the maddness come together!!

ok..this one is our own private activities..Jonker street..n taking pictures at Banda Hilir around 1 am in the MORNING!
..the lAst pic, we were on the way to the groom's house!
i told ibu that i want a private tent for all my TKC FRENS during my wedding nnt...n kalo boleh korang kne datang MALAM NIKAH gak..hehhehe
but, i wonder..when will it be..ek?calon pon xder lg!!!hehe